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I've seen a fox wedding after a sun shower and climbed ruins in Burma. I think I'll be in trouble if they ever catch me.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Long Time No Thoughts

It's been three months since I actually posted something. I think that's beyond slacking at this point. Summer came and went without me really doing much of anything. I worked, quit my job, found some new jobs and made a few friends, but in the dead heat that is summer in Tokyo, I couldn't get into the feeling of summer.... and before I knew it, my 31st birthday arrived.... and went by, and summer came to an end.

And as September rolled in I got antsy to leave. I hadn't gone anywhere since my trip to Bali, so I decided I needed some time to play. I have never been so happy with my insane decision making skill. I decided on Tuesday that I needed a break, Wednesday was a huge typhoon that shut down everything including my work so I logged online and notice I had tons of extra miles. Check please. Thursday morning I was off. I took off for five days and headed to the hedonistic center of Asia,...BANGKOK! I have never been and in my six years in Asia I am quite embarrassed to admit that. So, with nothing more than a backpack full of contacts and underwear, I headed out.

Thursday I checked into the first hostel I found, a dorm full of five guys... and me. I can't say I was too worried even, it was maybe an after thought after checking in, like oh shit, I really did just sign into a room full of random guys. great... but it was great! I met tons of great new people, and wandered the streets with a few of them. I checked out all the major tourist spots and went to bar after bar after bar..... it is a vacation right? The guys I was with told me to turn on the charm so we could get a few drinks but it turns out, as I'm sure most girls have found, that being a guy in Thailand is way more useful. Two friends and me went out to a local bar and immediately our male server came and sat with us,.... his name was Coco. Just like Coco Chanel only not nearly as fashionable, but much friskier..... with the males that is. 

We did get free drinks, and see a great talent show involving ping pongs, razors and more naked girls than I could count after all that tequila, but the free drinks were definitely not a result of my flirting with Coco. I think  Coco will truly miss us and the ease with which he was able to fondle my male companions. It takes a man very comfortable with his sexuality to let Coco be as bold as he was, but in the end, it was a win-win for everyone but the fondled guy. I think he felt used and dirty,but we didn't mind selling him out much.

Whatever, what happens in Bangkok stays in Bangkok..... unless your friends were sober enough to take pictures still.